What We Do

Engage in research and development to ensure that cutting edge forensic science is used to deliver services to official investigative agencies and to advance the discipline. We seek to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our forensic analyses and examinations. Our focus is on transformative technologies and enhancing the objective nature of our work.


External Research Partnerships

Develop and support partnerships with academic institutions, ministries and industry to expand the ability of the lab to engage in forensic science research and development. The CFS has human and material resources available to contribute to projects that support its research mandate:

  • Increased Efficiency (a reduction of money, time, labour required to deliver a product or service) e.g. introduction of a web-based case submission process replacing a paper-based system.

  • Increased Effectiveness (the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result) e.g. improved ability to identify individual contributors to complex DNA mixture profiles through implementation of probabilistic genotyping software.

  • Transformation (a thorough or dramatic change in form or function) e.g. introduction of time of flight mass spectrometry technology to enhance capacity for identifying novel psychoactive substances as they arise.

  • Increased Objectification (to remove or reduce subjective cognitive influences on the completion of a task) e.g. exploring use of 3D microscopy for comparison of known and questions ammunition components based on precise measurement of microscopic features.

Any stakeholder considering entering into a research partnership with the CFS are asked to contact the CFS R&D Coordinator by email at steven.lintlop@ontario.ca or by telephone at 647-329-1395.