Science for Justice

Ontario's Centre of Forensic Sciences is one of the most extensive forensic science facilities in North America. It conducts scientific investigations in cases involving injury or death for crimes against persons or property.

Highly specialized forensic examination and analysis are conducted in the following areas.

CFS Biology Section


Body fluid identification (blood, semen, saliva) and DNA profiling in cases involving crimes against persons and property, such as break and enters, sexual assaults and homicides.

CFS Chemistry Section


Provide chemical analysis and physical comparisons of many different types of materials and trace evidence.

CFS Documents Section


Examine documents to determine whether they are authentic or if they have been altered, and to determine how they relate to a person, thing, event or time.

CFS Physical Sciences Section

Firearms and Toolmarks

Examine firearms, ammunition, target surfaces, toolmarks and related evidence found at crime scenes and during search warrants.

CFS Toxicology Section


Analysis of body tissues and fluids for the presence of drugs including alcohol in support of medico-legal death investigations and criminal investigations.

Looking to for more information on collecting or submitting evidence to the Centre of Forensic Sciences? Please visit the evidence page.

Client Resources


Educational services for law enforcement officers, staff of justice organizations, and forensic science stakeholders.

Collection Kits & Supplies

Order form for evidence collection kits and supplies.

Technical Information Sheets

Information documents to assist customers in understanding CFS reports.

Investigator's Handbook

Overview of the collection and packaging requirements for items being submitted to the Centre of Forensic Sciences.

Research and Development

Ensuring cutting edge forensic science is used to deliver services to official investigative agencies and to advance the discipline.


Resources for student education, volunteering, internships, co-ops, and employment at the CFS.

ANAB Accreditation

ANAB Accreditation

The Centre of Forensic Sciences is accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board. The laboratory has been accredited since 1993. Refer to certificate FT-0124.